Streamline Your Operations with Cutting-Edge Intake Management and Referral Software

Discover how intake management and referral software can redefine efficiency in your organization with Condor.

Whether you are managing a Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) center, Youth Peer Support and Training spaces, or Foster care facilities, optimizing the flow of clients and patients, their data, and communication across departments can be challenging. That’s where cutting-edge intake management and referral software can help.

These advanced solutions can help you streamline your internal operations, enhance client communication, and collaboration across departments. Plus, they allow facility administrators to rely on accurate, real-time data for their decision-making process.


For facilities like correctional, boarding schools, foster care, and caregiver services, the tailored software developed by Condor simplifies the process of onboarding clients and their information. Not only does it enable a fast, organized journey, it also reduces paperwork and manual errors.

Efficient Tracking and Facilities Management

The software boasts an outstanding user interface and customizable dashboards, which allows for unparalleled ease of use and streamlined internal operations. It enables staff to quickly access necessary information, manage schedules, and oversee facility duties with ease. This uptick in efficiency levels translates into better care and services for residents.

Enhanced Communication Channels

The Condor intake management and referral software solution is designed to help build bridges between departments, facilities and families. It does so by improving the family/client portal, streamlining regulatory reporting, and ensuring transparency and timely updates on a resident’s progress and conditions.

Accurate Data at Your Fingertips

The software solution we design at Condor helps gather and consolidate critical data including personal and family information, team assignments, referral sources, and medical, educational, and crisis management history. It also manages any sensitive information, from substance use details to dental records and behavior performance, in a secure way. So, facility managers can rest easy that they are taking decisions based on relevant, accurate, secure, and correct data.

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