A Comprehensive Choice That Starts with People

Your panoramic human services solution is written for teams, committees and the clients they serve. Perform real-time census, track behavioral patterns, document follow-ups, administer intake, analyze outcome trends and promote client achievement. HIPPA-compliant, real-time, actionable behavioral management data drives decisions, enhances results, increases productivity and improves reporting for monitoring and funding agencies.

Superior Behavior, Census

Deploy a positive strategy that inspires caregivers and motivates clients. An advanced, intuitive interface helps managers and teams extract insights into individual progress, group dynamics and program efficacy. Real-time incident reporting helps highlight accomplishments and identify areas that need improvement.

Advanced Reporting

Actionable reporting is key to the success of any human services organization on multiple levels: clients and their families, care teams and managers, and funding and oversight agencies. With that many interests, taking data in its original form from various sources and collating it into a single, parsable document is crucial to efficient operations and transparency.

Ready to Dive In?

Our comprehensive reporting feature allows you to communicate your findings effectively to stakeholders, fostering informed decision-making and strategic planning.
Our comprehensive reporting feature allows you to communicate your findings effectively to stakeholders, fostering informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Improved Intake

Provide exceptional service and care by streamlining your intake process. Modernize the collection and management of essential information. Self-populating forms improve accuracy and eliminate wasted time. Improve staff productivity and ensure a smooth transition for new clients entering your program.

Supporting Results
with Proof Points

Our proprietary Outcome Trends feature is designed to measure program and process impact. Identify patterns and display quantifiable outcomes. This robust tool helps surface successful strategies, rectify potential weak spots, and demonstrate program effectiveness for stakeholders, funding sources, regulators, health-care providers, and criminal justice and social services agencies.

Training and Support

We stand behind Condor Software with comprehensive training and support services that help maximize your return.
We stand behind Condor Software with comprehensive training and support services that help maximize your return.


Our ever-growing FAQs are drawn from user experience and are designed to enhance your success. If you don’t find it here, our experienced support team is only a click away.
One of the outstanding features of Condor is its ability to create reports at whatever depth level you need.
Intake management is simple. Assignments are added during the data entry with departments or individuals. The assignments appear on the user dashboard with notifications.
Condor was conceived and tested by a nonprofit. It produced superlative results in personnel management, stakeholder interaction and logistics.
Anything from daily census updates to medical charts, from juvenile justice to legal, from government or social service agencies can be viewed on dashboards and exported with a few clicks.
We believe Condor will pay for itself in the first year in most cases. It is not a reach to think about saving one hour per person per shift per day.
Because Condor initially was designed to serve human services and social services agencies, secure, interactive portals are major components.
When you start with software designed for your needs, you eliminate a lot of the customization and workarounds needed with the big-box software. Modules mean you get what you want without paying for the bloated add-ons common in larger software applications.